JUNONALT, UAB - Kaunas, Lietuva

  • Patvirtinta
Įmonės pavadinimas
Pramonės pr. 16, Prekybos miestelis "Urmas", LT-51186 Kaunas, Lietuva
Telefono Numeris
Tinklalapio adresas
Lina Gineikienė
Įmonės įkūrimo metai
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Elektroninio pašto adresas
Apie įmonę
Valiutoskeitykla.eu is a currency exchange located in Vilnius. We are popular with tourists and locals alike as we offer competitive exchange rates and quality service to meet the needs of our customers.

You will find us:
In the shopping center "CUP" in Vilnius
Address: PC CUP, Upės st. 9, on the 1st floor.
Contact phone number: +37065753033

In our exchange you can reserve the currency and fix the price. You will be sure what amount will be paid to you.
In addition, we offer fast service. Transactions are completed in just a few minutes!
We have earned a good reputation in Vilnius among our clients, we are a reliable and honest company, which is the most important factor when it comes to currency exchanges.
Valiutoskeitykla.eu is a legal currency  
Rodyti viską exchange registered in the system of the Bank of Lithuania.
If you need more information about currency exchange or have any questions, our team of professional currency exchange staff is always ready to help and advise.

Valiutoskeitykla.eu is a popular currency exchange located in the city of Kaunas. We offer a wide selection of currencies.
In our exchange you can reserve the currency and fix the price. You will be sure what amount will be paid to you.

You will find us:
In the trading town "Urmas".
Address: Pramonės prospektas 16, Kaunas. In the east gallery between halls 16 and 17 (entrance from the side of the ramp).
Contact phone number: +37065753033

Valiutoskeitykla.eu offers fast and reliable services. We are a reliable and legal currency exchange registered in the Bank of Lithuania system.
Our professional team is always ready to help you with any questions or requirements.
Valiutoskeitykla.eu also offers convenient travel, as customers can avoid additional fees associated with ATMs or exchanges abroad. This is especially important for those who are planning a trip abroad and want to be sure that they will have the necessary currency to pay for services or goods.
Įmonės veiklos sritys
Valiutos keityklos
valiutos keityukla Kaune
valiutos keityukla Vilniuje


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